The Pigeons Team - About Us

Planning for the Pigeons project started taking place in the summer of 2022. Since then, we have grown as a team and have added various features to the software. We still have great ambitions and a swath of features to add; if you would like to become a part of our team feel free to reach out!

Team Members (chronological order)


We are recruiting graduate students! Click here for more information.

Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
University of British Columbia
Nikola Surjanovic
Nikola Surjanovic
University of British Columbia
Paul Tiede
Paul Tiede
Harvard University, Event Horizon Telescope
Saifuddin Syed
Saifuddin Syed
University of Oxford
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Campbell
University of British Columbia
Miguel Biron-Lattes
Miguel Biron-Lattes
University of British Columbia
William Thompson
William Thompson
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre
Yujia Ma
Yujia Ma
University of British Columbia
Lucas Wong
Lucas Wong
University of British Columbia
Son Luu
Son Luu
University of British Columbia
Seren Lee
Seren Lee
University of British Columbia