Distributed and parallel implementation of PT
Pigeons provides an implementation of Distributed PT based on Syed et al., 2021, Algorithm 5. This page describes our strategies for addressing the challenges of implementing this distributed, parallelized, and randomized algorithm.
Read this page if you are interested in extending Pigeons or understanding how it works under the hood. Reading this page is not required to use Pigeons. Instead, refer to the user guide.
In Distributed PT, one or several computers run MCMC simulations in parallel and communicate with each other to improve MCMC efficiency. We use the terminology machine for one of these computers, or, to be more precise, process. In the typical setting, each machine will run one process, since our implementation also supports the use of several Julia threads.
Pigeons is designed so that it is suitable in all these scenarios:
- one machine running PT on one thread,
- one machine running PT on several threads,
- several machines running PT, each using one thread, and
- several machines running PT, each using several threads.
Ensuring code correctness at the intersection of randomized, parallel, and distributed algorithms is a challenge. To address this challenge, we designed Pigeons based on the following principle:
The output of Pigeons is invariant to the number of machines and/or threads.
In other words, if $X_{m, t}(s)$ denotes the output of Pigeons when provided $m$ machines, $t$ threads per machine, and random seed $s$, we guarantee that $X_{m, t}(s) = X_{m', t'}(s)$ for all $m', t'$.
Without explicitly keeping Parallelism Invariance in mind during software construction, parallel/distributed implementations of randomized algorithms will typically only guarantee $E[X_{m, t}] = E[X_{m', t'}]$ for all $m, m', t, t'$. While equality in distribution is technically sufficient, the stronger pointwise equality required by Parallelism Invariance makes debugging and software validation considerably easier. This is because the developer can first focus on the fully serial randomized algorithm, and then use it as an easy-to-compare gold-standard reference for parallel/distributed implementations. This strategy is used extensively in Pigeons to ensure correctness. In contrast, testing equality in distribution, while possible (e.g., see Geweke, 2004), incurs additional false negatives due to statistical error.
Two factors tend to cause violations of Parallelism Invariance:
- Global, thread-local and task-local random number generators (the dominant approaches to parallel random number generators in current languages).
- Non-associativity of floating point operations. As a result, when several workers perform Distributed reduction of floating point values, the output of this reduction will be slightly different. When these reductions are then fed into further random operations, this implies two randomized algorithms with the same seed but using a different number of workers will eventually arbitrarily diverge pointwise.
One focus in the remainder of this page is to describe how our implementation sidesteps the two above issues while maintaining the same asymptotic runtime complexity.
Overview of the algorithm
Let us start with a high-level picture of the distributed PT algorithm.
The high-level code is the function pigeons()
which is identical to the single-machine algorithm. A first difference lay in the replicas
datastructure taking on a different type. Also, as promised the output is identical despite a vastly different swap logic: this can be checked using the checked_round
argument described in the user guide. A second difference between the execution of pigeons()
in single vs many machine context is the behaviour of swap!
which is dispatched based on the type of replicas
In the following, we go over the main building block of our distributed PT algorithm.
Splittable random streams
The first building block is a splittable random stream. To motivate splittable random streams, consider the following example violating Parallelism Invariance.
Julia uses task-local random number generators, a notion which is related but distinct from parallelism invariance. We will now explain the difference between task-local random number generators and parallelism invariance, and why the latter is more advantageous for checking correctness of distributed randomized algorithms.
Consider the following toy example:
using Random
import Base.Threads.@threads
println("Number of threads: $(Threads.nthreads())")
const n_iters = 10000;
result = zeros(n_iters);
@threads for i in 1:n_iters
# in a real problem, do some expensive calculation here...
result[i] = rand();
println("Result: $(last(result))")
When using 8 threads, this outputs:
Number of threads: 8
Result: 0.25679999169092793
Julia guarantees that if we rerun this code, as long as we are using 8 threads, we will always get the same result, irrespective of the multi-threading scheduling decisions implied by the @threads
-loop (hence, a step ahead another concept known as thread-local random number generation, which does not guarantee replicability even for a fixed number of threads).
However, when we use a different number of threads (e.g., the key example is one thread), the result is different:
Number of threads: 1
Result: 0.8785201210435906
In this simple example above, it is not a big deal, but for our parallel tempering use case, the distributed version of the algorithm is significantly more complex and harder to debug compared to the single-threaded one. Hence we take task-local random number generation one step further, into parallelism invariance, which will guarantee that the output is not only reproducible with respect to repetitions for a fixed number of threads, but also for different numbers of threads.
In our context, a first step to achieve this is to associate one random number generator to each PT chain. To do so, we use the SplittableRandoms.jl library which allows us to turn one seed into an arbitrary collection pseudo-independent random number generators. Since each MPI process holds a subset of the chains, we internally use the function split_slice()
to get the random number generators for the slice of replicas held in a given MPI process.
Distributed replicas
Calling create_entangled_replicas()
will produce a fresh EntangledReplicas
, taking care of distributed random seed splitting internally. An EntangledReplicas
contains the list of replicas that are local to the machine, in addition to three data structures allowing distributed communication: a LoadBalance
which keeps track of how to split work across machines; an Entangler
, which encapsulates MPI calls; and a PermutedDistributedArray
, which maps chain indices to replica indices. These datastructures can be obtained using load()
, entangler()
, and replicas.chain_to_replica_global_indices
Distributed swaps
To perform distributed swaps, swap!()
proceeds as follows:
- Use the
to determine swapping partner chains, - translate partner chains into partner replicas (global indices) using
, - compute
for local chains, and usetransmit()
to obtain partner swap stats, - use
to decide if each pair should swap, and - update the
Distributed reduction
After each round of PT, the workers need to exchange richer messages compared to the information exchanged in the swaps. These richer messages include swap acceptance probabilities, statistics to adapt a variational reference, etc.
This part of the communication is performed using reduce_recorders!()
which in turn calls all_reduce_deterministically()
with the appropriate merging operations. See reduce_recorders!()
and all_reduce_deterministically()
for more information on how our implementation preserves Parallelism Invariance, while maintaining the logarithmic runtime of binary-tree based collective operations. (More precisely, all_reduce_deterministically()
runs in time $\log(N)$ when each machine holds a single chain.)