Custom explorers
Pigeons have several built-in explorer
kernels such as AutoMALA
and a SliceSampler
. However when the state space is neither the reals nor the integers, or for performance reasons, it may be necessary to create custom exploration MCMC kernels.
Creating a new explorer
We show how to create a new explorer, for pedagogy, a simple independence Metropolis algorithm, applied to our familiar unidentifiable toy example, based on Julia black-box implementation.
struct MyIndependenceSampler
function Pigeons.step!(explorer::MyIndependenceSampler, replica, shared)
state = replica.state
rng = replica.rng
i = explorer.which_parameter_index
# Note: the log_potential is an InterpolatedLogPotential between the target and reference
log_potential = Pigeons.find_log_potential(replica, shared.tempering, shared)
log_pr_before = log_potential(state)
# propose
state_before = state[i]
state[i] = rand(rng)
log_pr_after = log_potential(state)
# accept-reject step
accept_ratio = exp(log_pr_after - log_pr_before)
if accept_ratio < 1 && rand(rng) > accept_ratio
# reject: revert the move we just proposed
state[i] = state_before
end # (nothing to do if accept, we work in-place)
Combinations of explorers
To alternate between two explorers, use Compose
: for example continuing on our example, we want to alternate between sampling the two parameters of our model:
pt = pigeons(
target = MyLogPotential(100, 50),
reference = MyLogPotential(0, 0),
explorer = Compose(MyIndependenceSampler(1), MyIndependenceSampler(2))
┌ Info: Neither traces, disk, nor online recorders included.
│ You may not have access to your samples (unless you are using a custom recorder, or maybe you just want log(Z)).
└ To add recorders, use e.g. pigeons(target = ..., record = [traces; record_default()])
┌ Warning: It looks like sample_iid!() is not implemented for a
│ reference_log_potential of type Main.MyLogPotential.
│ Instead, using step!().
└ @ Pigeons ~/work/Pigeons.jl/Pigeons.jl/src/targets/target.jl:51
scans Λ time(s) allc(B) log(Z₁/Z₀) min(α) mean(α)
────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ──────────
2 2.49 0.0541 2.57e+06 -15.4 5.9e-08 0.724
4 0.85 0.000101 1.38e+04 -5.56 0.574 0.906
8 1.54 0.00012 2.52e+04 -4.68 0.237 0.829
16 1.7 0.000204 5.52e+04 -4.82 0.648 0.811
32 1.27 0.000382 7.48e+04 -5.42 0.669 0.858
64 1.44 0.000667 7.69e+04 -4.77 0.73 0.84
128 1.5 0.00131 7.73e+04 -5.14 0.756 0.833
256 1.57 0.00255 8.55e+04 -5.08 0.782 0.826
512 1.46 0.00506 1.02e+05 -4.94 0.801 0.838
1.02e+03 1.5 0.01 1.35e+05 -4.96 0.808 0.834
Similarly, use Mix
to create a mixture of explorers.
We assume the following model for MCMC explorer adaptation:
- during each PT round, statistics are collected distributively,
- at the end of each round, the statistics are reduced and shared, and the explorers are given an opportunity to update based on these statistics.
To control (1), use explorer_recorder_builders
. For example, AutoMALA requests online statistics to be computed on uncontrainted parameters to perform pre-conditioning. By default, explorer_recorder_builders
returns an empty list.
To control (2), use adapt_explorer
which is fed the reduced statistics. By default, adapt_explorer
is a no-op.