Output for custom types

Much of the discussion on sample post-processing so far has focussed on cases where state's are real or integer vectors.

We discuss here how to post-process samples when the states are not real or integer vectors ("custom types").

Example of custom state

As a concrete example, we consider an implementation of an Ising model where a state contains a matrix of binary variables as well as some other caches. The full example can be found here, the only snippet needed from this file needed to understand the following is:

mutable struct IsingState 
    [some cache variable, etc...]

Flattening into a vector

The sample_array function is convenient but it assumes that the variables are real or integer vectors (the latter coerced into the former).

Sometimes, custom types can be "flattened" into a real vector. For example, a 2D Ising grid can be reshaped into a vector using vec().

To perform flattening, add a dispatch to Pigeons' extract_sample. Here is how this would be done for the same Ising example as above:


Pigeons.extract_sample(state::IsingState, log_potential) = copy(vec(state.matrix))

pt = pigeons(target = IsingLogPotential(1.0, 2), record = [traces])

using MCMCChains
using StatsPlots

samples = Chains(sample_array(pt))
my_plot = StatsPlots.plot(samples)
StatsPlots.savefig(my_plot, "posterior_densities_and_traces_ising.html");
  scans        Λ      log(Z₁/Z₀)   min(α)     mean(α)
────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ──────────
        2          0       6.67          1          1
        4      0.883       5.33      0.706      0.902
        8      0.561       6.21      0.805      0.938
       16       1.15       5.64      0.378      0.872
       32      0.786        5.8      0.752      0.913
       64      0.805       6.04      0.806      0.911
      128      0.944       5.95      0.817      0.895
      256      0.935       6.08      0.861      0.896
      512      0.933       5.79      0.822      0.896
 1.02e+03      0.943        5.9      0.873      0.895

This plots the 4 components of a two-by-two Ising model:

Trace processing without flattening

It is also possible to process in-memory traces without flattening. To do so, the function extract_sample should still be extended to perform a copy of the relevant parts of the state. Then to access the trace, use get_sample:


Pigeons.extract_sample(state::IsingState, log_potential) = copy(state.matrix)

pt = pigeons(target = IsingLogPotential(1.0, 2), record = [traces])

vector = get_sample(pt)

# a vector of 2^10 samples, each extracted into a BitMatrix:
length(vector), eltype(vector)
(1024, BitMatrix)