Automated reports
InferenceReport is a Julia package to automatically generate a web page or PDF report from Pigeons' output, containing common plots and diagnostics.
We provide a brief summary on how to use InfereReport here, see the full InferenceReport documentation for details.
Install InferenceReport
using Pkg; Pkg.add("InferenceReport")
Basic usage
using InferenceReport
using Pigeons
pt = pigeons(
target = toy_mvn_target(2),
n_rounds = 4,
record = [traces; round_trip; record_default()])
scans restarts Λ time(s) allc(B) log(Z₁/Z₀) min(α) mean(α)
────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ────────── ──────────
2 0 0.609 3.7e-05 1.11e+04 -1.68 0.705 0.932
4 0 1.28 5.31e-05 1.67e+04 -1.86 0.527 0.858
8 0 1.39 5.41e-05 3.08e+04 -2.29 0.458 0.845
16 1 1.55 5.48e-05 5.69e+04 -2.27 0.646 0.828
target_description...[skipped: no description provided]
pair_plot... ✓
trace_plot... ✓
moments... ✓
trace_plot_cumulative... ✓
mpi_standard_out...[skipped: no MPI std out files found]
lcb... ✓
gcb_progress... ✓
logz_progress... ✓
round_trip_progress... ✓
swaps_plot... ✓
pigeons_summary... ✓
pigeons_inputs... ✓
reproducibility_info...[skipped: missing reproducibility_command]
Report generated at: /home/runner/work/Pigeons.jl/Pigeons.jl/docs/build/results/all/2025-02-07-20-59-35-V6ZTCJOY
This will generate an HTML report with various useful diagnostic plots and open it in your default browser.